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I can provide support and advice on your tax liabilities, including personal tax, corporation tax and VAT


Preparation of accounts

Keeping on top of your financial records can be difficult when you need to spend time running your business.  I can help you with this by providing the following services

  •  preparation of financial information to help you manage
    your business


  • preparation of accounts for submission to statutory bodies, including the Inland Revenue and Companies House

  • setting up, supporting and maintaining financial records



Charities are often unable to resource their accounting needs

in-house.  I can provide day-to-day accounting support,  help with financial planning and understand the statutory reporting requirements for charities.  I can also conduct the Independent Examination of Accounts required by the Charity Commission. 



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Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any help or if you wish to discuss your specific accounting needs.


telephone: 01367 718105

mobile: 07745656603





Alternatively, please send me an email with your contact details and I will contact you directly.

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